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      If you are having difficulties logging into winteronline.juniata.edu, please make certain you are using the following information:

      If your email address is alfie@juniata.edu and your password is T0p#S3cr3t#P@ssw0rd

      You would use the following to log into the site:

      Username:   alfie
      Password:    T0p#S3cr3t#P@ssw0rd

      If you are having difficulties logging in and need to reset your password, please visit the Help Desk for more information - Password Management 

Available courses

Special Topics course: In today's digital landscape, cybersecurity is no longer an optional concern, it's a critical business imperative. From data breaches to ransomware attacks, the threats are real, and the potential consequences for businesses can be devastating. This course empowers you to understand the fundamentals of cybersecurity and equips you with the knowledge and skills to protect your organization's valuable assets. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a manager, or an employee within a large corporation, this course is designed to be accessible and relevant to your needs. We'll explore the key cybersecurity threats, mitigation strategies, and best practices in a way that's engaging and practical.

This course is an introduction to design thinking as a powerful tool to approach real-world problems. Although design has traditionally been used to describe the process of creating visually appealing and communicative materials, in this course we will discuss how design can approach system thinking to solve the world's most challenging problems in a creative and innovative way. We will focus on changing the way we see a problem through a design thinking lens, learn to listen, engage in the design process, share our ideas in a team setting, identify ways to structure a group of key stakeholders, and find creative ways to apply design thinking methodologies to any problem. The student will learn the concepts that drive design thinking and ways to present your ideas in a persuasive way. Pre- or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.